Different Types Of Dental Procedures Offered At Dental Offices

Different Types Of Dental Procedures Offered At Dental Offices

Different types of dental procedures offered at dental offices

Teeth cleaning is one of the most common dental procedures. It involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. During a teeth cleaning, the dentist or dental hygienist uses special tools to remove the buildup of plaque and tartar from the teeth. They may also polish the teeth to remove any surface stains and leave them looking clean and shiny.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are used to repair teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay or trauma. The filling material is placed in the cavity created by the decay or trauma to restore the tooth’s shape and function. The most common materials used for dental fillings include amalgam (a mixture of metals), composite resin (a tooth-colored material), and porcelain.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure used to treat a tooth that has become infected or inflamed. The procedure involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp from the inside of the tooth, cleaning the root canals, and sealing the tooth with a filling or crown. Root canal therapy can help save a tooth that might otherwise need to be extracted.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are used to cover and protect a damaged or weakened tooth. They can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, metal, or a combination of materials. Crowns can be used to restore the function and appearance of a damaged tooth, and they can also be used to attach a bridge or cover a dental implant.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth (pontics) that are anchored in place by dental crowns attached to the teeth on either side of the gap. Bridges can help improve the appearance of your smile, restore your ability to chew and speak properly, and prevent remaining teeth from shifting out of place.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular option for replacing one or more missing teeth. They consist of a small titanium post that is implanted into the jawbone, where it fuses with the bone to create a stable base for a dental crown or bridge. Implants can help improve the appearance of your smile, restore your ability to chew and speak properly, and prevent bone loss in the jaw.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that can help improve the appearance of your smile by lightening the color of your teeth. There are several options for teeth whitening, including in-office treatments, take-home kits, and over-the-counter products. In-office treatments typically produce the most dramatic results, but take-home kits and over-the-counter products can be more convenient and cost-effective.


Orthodontics is a dental specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. The most common orthodontic treatment is braces, which use brackets, wires, and other appliances to gently move teeth into their proper positions. Orthodontic treatment can help improve the appearance of your smile, correct bite problems, and prevent dental problems in the future.

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a dental specialty that involves surgical procedures performed in the mouth and jaw. Common oral surgeries include wisdom teeth removal, dental implant placement, and treatment for oral cancers and other conditions. Oral surgery may be necessary to address dental issues that cannot be treated with less invasive procedures.

Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal therapy is a dental procedure that focuses on the treatment of gum disease. Gum disease is a common dental problem that occurs when bacteria in the mouth infect the gums, leading to inflammation and eventual tooth loss if left untreated. Periodontal therapy typically involves deep cleaning of the teeth and gums to remove bacteria and tartar buildup, as well as the use of antibiotics to treat the infection.

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that can develop in the mouth, throat, or tongue. Regular oral cancer screenings are an important part of maintaining good oral health and detecting potential problems early on. During an oral cancer screening, the dentist will examine your mouth and throat for any signs of abnormal tissue or growths.

TMJ Treatment

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders are a group of conditions that affect the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. TMJ disorders can cause a range of symptoms, including jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing. Treatment for TMJ disorders may include the use of oral appliances to help realign the jaw, as well as physical therapy and pain management techniques.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on the aesthetic improvement of the teeth and smile. Cosmetic dental procedures can help improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your confidence. Some common cosmetic dental procedures include teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding.


Veneers are a cosmetic dental procedure that involves placing thin shells of porcelain or composite resin over the front of the teeth to improve their appearance. Veneers can help correct a variety of cosmetic dental problems, including gaps between teeth, discoloration, and minor chips or cracks.


Bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that involves using a tooth-colored resin material to correct minor cosmetic dental problems, such as chips, cracks, and gaps between teeth. The bonding material is applied to the tooth and shaped to match the surrounding teeth, then cured with a special light to harden it.


Dental offices offer a wide range of dental procedures to help patients maintain good oral health, address dental issues, and enhance the appearance of their teeth. From routine cleanings and fillings to complex oral surgeries and orthodontic treatments, there are a variety of dental procedures available to meet the needs of patients of all ages and backgrounds. By working with a skilled and experienced dental team, you can ensure that your oral health is in good hands and that you receive the best possible care to keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.


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